Friday, July 6, 2012

FOTW announced 7/2/12

I was chosen out of the many #CimFams out there spreading the word about Cimorelli. Did I deserve it? Most people have told me YES! I feel unworthy. But I did put in the effort just as much as anynyone so I should not feel that way. How did I win the Skype ses. you ask? Well like everyone, spread the word and support Cimorelli!! That's basicaly all I did.
When I found out I won the Skype, I literally didn't know what was going on! I was replying to one of Lisa's tweets, at the same time the band's twitter announces the winner. It was around noon and I had not had breakfast, so as I was walking down the hall I looked at my phone as to why it was being all weird! Then I see at the top of my screen: "@Cimorelliband: Congrats to @JealousPamela aka @KenaFlo for being FOTW" ect. And I freaked!! I was so excited! My sister could care less, but I believe she really did want to know more :D I couldn't even look at my phone because I knew it would totally bust. So ate breakfast (late) and later checked my phone/checked my computer.
I still couldn't believe it! It was even announed on their Facebook! So all day I was just thanking people for congratulating me and of course ALL the Cimorelli's. I was truely blessed! I mean because I literally, no joke prayed for being FOTW the night before and it happened! :D That was after my Deja vu moment about the girls. The last time this happened was for the Justin Bieber Cover-Off! So I pray that they Win the Teen Choice Award for Choice Web Star!!
I also wish the #CimFam luck on becomeing a FOTW too. Never give up, because they do see you, and they love ALL of you/us SO MUCH!

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