Friday, July 6, 2012

FOTW announced 7/2/12

I was chosen out of the many #CimFams out there spreading the word about Cimorelli. Did I deserve it? Most people have told me YES! I feel unworthy. But I did put in the effort just as much as anynyone so I should not feel that way. How did I win the Skype ses. you ask? Well like everyone, spread the word and support Cimorelli!! That's basicaly all I did.
When I found out I won the Skype, I literally didn't know what was going on! I was replying to one of Lisa's tweets, at the same time the band's twitter announces the winner. It was around noon and I had not had breakfast, so as I was walking down the hall I looked at my phone as to why it was being all weird! Then I see at the top of my screen: "@Cimorelliband: Congrats to @JealousPamela aka @KenaFlo for being FOTW" ect. And I freaked!! I was so excited! My sister could care less, but I believe she really did want to know more :D I couldn't even look at my phone because I knew it would totally bust. So ate breakfast (late) and later checked my phone/checked my computer.
I still couldn't believe it! It was even announed on their Facebook! So all day I was just thanking people for congratulating me and of course ALL the Cimorelli's. I was truely blessed! I mean because I literally, no joke prayed for being FOTW the night before and it happened! :D That was after my Deja vu moment about the girls. The last time this happened was for the Justin Bieber Cover-Off! So I pray that they Win the Teen Choice Award for Choice Web Star!!
I also wish the #CimFam luck on becomeing a FOTW too. Never give up, because they do see you, and they love ALL of you/us SO MUCH!

Skype with Cimorelli 7/5/12

This past week I had been feeling nervous, excited and sick all at the same time! After discovering I was FOTW I've emailed their mom, but since my email had been freaking out I was afraid she never recieved my email. This was mainly because she took a long time to reply back, I don't blame her it was the week of 4th of July. So I once in a while would check my email to see what day works best. And we ultimately decided on July 5, Thursday at noon.
As the days went on I was having a hard time staying focussed, I wanted to practice what I wanted to say, how I wanted to say it. I also wrote down some questions for them.
As the day approached I woke up extremely early, I went to bed late too. But I was too excited to care, and I'm usually pretty good with having no sleep and still be functioning fine.
Our Skype was at noon, in my room because my sister and nephew were in the living room lol. They were a little late because I had to be transfered to them, and when I opened their call I was able to see them! But they couldn't see me lol! I could't find the camera button infront of my face. (I'm really bad when working with computers, you'll see later.) So once I saw them they wasted no time on the questions. Christina asked first how old I was, I told her 20 and she and Kathy got all excited! Kathy asked when my B-day was and I told her Dec. 1st, (I'm older by 3 months, but I still look WAY younger lol) They asked where I was from, I said Oregon and they have actually been up here before! :) From there we talked about almost everything, books (Kathy), religion, family..ect and at one point they asked about the stuff in my room behind me HAHA! Like the electrical cabnet, and my post-card frame. They were very intrested in everything, and that's when I told them if I should just tell them the story of my life and what not, just so more of their questions would be answered. This brought up more convo. lol! But they were very curious and sweet the entire time.
There were rarely any awekward silences, I made sure I spoke about anything, and I made sure I wrote everything down in case I forgot what to say. I also wrote down some questions. One was about their cover and they said it's in the top 10 right now so we'll see later lol. And that they were rehersing and going to San Diego for the video! (Which is today! :D)We spoke about having deja vu, me about the Bieber-Off and this skype, Dani has them all the time too lol, and Christina had one about the TCA nom. That was coll.They also spoke about my letter to them a while back and my cross-stitch Kathy was intrested in that lol she's crafty. We spoke about my name which was funny because they pronounced it right! And then they said they remembered that I told them in my letter it's pronounced like the country in Africa.
By the end of the convo. I asked for their picture, which for me was a #Fail lol. Like I said I don't like computers. I could not find the snapshot button, and somebody had showed me before, but I was so lost. So I tried to make conversation with them while I figure it out. Which I didn't so I just took 2 with my phone lol! They're not very good, but at least I have something to last forever.
I'll never forget it! I have it all (mostly) written in my journal/diary. They were SO sweet and nice. The oldest 3 were the most talkitive, but everyone did say something so I can't complaine. Lastly I told them to practice their winning speech when they win the TCA. :D We had a lot of laughs and fun, I apprecitae their time SO much! I will for sure always cherish this moment forever, and I wish the ut most luck to the future FOTWs. I love you Cimorelli and I love the #CimFam!!

Sunday, June 3, 2012

JB/Cimorelli Cover, Cover

Back when Ryan Seacrest had the Justin Beiber "Boyfriend" Cover-Off against top Youtube artists, the only thing I contained from constantly voting for Cimorelli was the first 10 sec. of the song. I voted so much so that I came up with my own lyrics to support Cimorelli! lol here are the lyrics. I even made a video, NOT on youtube (not ready for that, at ALL) it's on my tumblr. It's my first vid, so of course its stupid. xD
Yeah, Uh, Vote, Vote, Yeah
If you're a CimFan
You'll already see
That the girls are in a competition
That would really like your votes
Just click on the link
And you'll already see
So press the yellow button
And vote for Cimorelli
Vote, vote, vote, for Cim
While you're by the fire or eating fondue
I know about me and I know about you
So we gonna vote for Cim in 3, 2, savvy? :D

*And yes, they did win! Go #CimFam!

Thursday, May 31, 2012

Kids These Days

Kids these days think they’re all grown up, think that after dating for a week they’re in “Love”. Excuse me but since when did buying you ice cream become a lifelong relationship? Honestly they just got out of diapers! These Middle schoolers/High school, aren’t even at the maturity level that would consider them even functional in the real world. I write this because lately I’ve been seeing a whole lot of relationship statuses varying from “single, in a rel. its comp…ect.” Seriously children! Now I don’t mean all of them are pathetic and stupid, I can just tell that this or that relationship is not going to work out.

I consider being in a relationship at the age of 18-ish and up. Why? Why not? You’re an adult and WAY more mature by then. By the way boys usually out grow stupidity by then too. And that leaves the girls knowing what they really want out of a man, and relationship. I may be one of the biggest contradictions saying this but I’m 20 and have never had a boyfriend, dated… but that leads me to another point. I want a relationship that will last. I have been approached by the opposite sex to go out; I was also a middle/high schooler with BIG ambitions. I knew those affairs would NOT work out. I was being smart. I knew that I would have no time to be fondling around while I was doing school work and wanting to succeed.

Not only do I want that type relationship but, I want one that is deeper than ‘having time for you.’ I would love one that both my partner and I can relate to. A Godly one. No I don’t mean a preacher, but I want someone that has the same values and morals. Or at least respect them. If your cohort does not respect you, than it’s not going to work. (Girl talk right there) Both guys and girls should value each other’s choices. So all I gotta say is wait, grow up and know what you really want, not what your friends expect of you and what-not. And in the end it will a play out like it was suppose to.