Thursday, May 31, 2012

Kids These Days

Kids these days think they’re all grown up, think that after dating for a week they’re in “Love”. Excuse me but since when did buying you ice cream become a lifelong relationship? Honestly they just got out of diapers! These Middle schoolers/High school, aren’t even at the maturity level that would consider them even functional in the real world. I write this because lately I’ve been seeing a whole lot of relationship statuses varying from “single, in a rel. its comp…ect.” Seriously children! Now I don’t mean all of them are pathetic and stupid, I can just tell that this or that relationship is not going to work out.

I consider being in a relationship at the age of 18-ish and up. Why? Why not? You’re an adult and WAY more mature by then. By the way boys usually out grow stupidity by then too. And that leaves the girls knowing what they really want out of a man, and relationship. I may be one of the biggest contradictions saying this but I’m 20 and have never had a boyfriend, dated… but that leads me to another point. I want a relationship that will last. I have been approached by the opposite sex to go out; I was also a middle/high schooler with BIG ambitions. I knew those affairs would NOT work out. I was being smart. I knew that I would have no time to be fondling around while I was doing school work and wanting to succeed.

Not only do I want that type relationship but, I want one that is deeper than ‘having time for you.’ I would love one that both my partner and I can relate to. A Godly one. No I don’t mean a preacher, but I want someone that has the same values and morals. Or at least respect them. If your cohort does not respect you, than it’s not going to work. (Girl talk right there) Both guys and girls should value each other’s choices. So all I gotta say is wait, grow up and know what you really want, not what your friends expect of you and what-not. And in the end it will a play out like it was suppose to.